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Thursday, July 21, 2005

W. W. G. S.

Why is homosexuality such a big issue for religious folk? Whether it be gay marriage or civil unions, health insurance for partners or adoption rights, what bothers you so much about them?

I believe the 3 major religions, Islam, Christianity & Judaism all believe in the 10 Commandments, I'm going to paraphrase them, but if you click HERE you can actually read them in full (N.I.V.) version:

1) Have no other gods before God.
2) Make no idols, do not bow down & worship idols.
3) Don't use God's name in vain.
4) Keep the Sabbath holy.
5) Honor your mother and father.
6) Don't murder.
7) Don't commit adultery.
8) Don't steal.
9) Don't give false testimony against your neighbor.
10) Don't covet what your neighbor has.

I don't see where it says to hate homosexuals. As a matter of fact, I think before religious people even get to the homosexual issue, they have a LOT of housecleaning to do.
Homosexuality is mentioned just 1 (one) time in the bible, it's in I Corinthians 6:9. While there are 3 other sexual immoralities listed in the same verse, there are a number of other examples, in the same sentence, of who will NOT inherit the kingdom of God. I've listed all of them below & in parenthesis are how many times the word is listed in the bible.

idolaters (7)
adulterers (12)
male prostitutes (18) (non-gender)(I'm assuming this means female prostitutes are excluded)
homosexual offenders (1)
----same sentence, verse 10----
thieves (11)
greedy (26)
drunkards (50)
slanderer (47)
swindler (3)

Homosexuals are getting an unfair rap here! Why do people care what they do in bed? Why can't people understand this isn't a "choice". Who would ever want to subject themselves to this kind of hate? To be ridiculed & disowned, even by their mother & father.
And why are people so concerned about what homosexuals do behind closed doors, in their own homes, in their own beds, with another consenting adult? Do you obsess over what your pastor & their spouse do in bed? Then, why the obsession?
Not only should the God-fearing first be focused on the 10 Commandments, but then they should make sure they're not committing any of the above-mentioned sins that will cause one NOT to get into God's kingdom. Don't only be concerned with yourself & your family, but with those in your congregation & your denomination! Afterall, you do want them to enter God's kingdom with you, right?
My question is, What would God say? I wonder. 1 verse comes to mind: (And appropriately, it's in the book of Matthew)

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.




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posted by jane at 9:56 PM