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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Just for family & friends?

I want to stay on the subject of pedophiles. While it's something that literally makes our skin crawl, it's also something we MUST address. 2,000 kids go missing daily in the U.S.A. I'll warn you now, this post makes me very uncomfortable & it probably will you too. Especially if you're a parent of a young child, but I feel obligated to YOU to write this.

What do pedophiles like? Young children. And where might they look to see them? Perhaps the internet and blogs are legal as they're not child porn sites. (I can already hear the cursing!) I'm not saying the family pictures are porn. The way these monsters INTERPRET the pictures of children IS sexual & pornographic. Sick as that sounds, its the truth.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the monster that kidnapped & molested Shasta Groene & killed her family had a blog for 1 or 2 years on blogspot. (He's also being questioned about the 2003 disappearance of another little girl, 5 year old Leanna Warner)

While I understand it's the parents choice what they do with their blog & regarding their children, why would one chance it? Parent blogs talk about where they live, their daily going-ons, routines, what the kids like, you get the picture. If you're going to put a family blog with pictures of young children, why not make it private? I'm not talking about family blogs in general, only those that give detailed information (city, state, names, etc) and pictures.

I'd like to hear from parents, grandparents, teenagers, nonparents, everybody on this topic. What's your opinion? Do you think it's wise to provide information about young children on blogs?

posted by jane at 12:46 PM