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Friday, November 18, 2005

This 'n That

I've been so preoccupied recently that I've let stories I wanted to write about build up. So, in an effort to reduce this pile of paper on my desk, I'm writing brief posts with links on 6 topics. I'd love to hear your opinions on these topics. Hope you enjoy!

Calling all shopaholics! 20/20 is going to talk about it tonight. BF2005.com may be sued over it. Gottadeal.com & blackfridayads.com are all about it. What is IT? If you're a shopaholic, you know what Black Friday is. It's the day after Thanksgiving, the biggest retail sales day of the year. But this year, retailers aren't too happy with the owners of these websites & are threatening to sue. What are they doing that's so wrong? Nothing, if you're a consumer. They're just providing us with an advance peak at the sales which are normally withheld until next week. One example is a Barbie Fashion Show Mall at Toys "R" Us, which normally sells for $99.99, but will be on sale for $29.97 on November, 25th. For more info & the inside scoop, click here.

Holy Hot Flash! If you're a female & going thru menopause, this may be the answer to your prayers. It's a new, cool option called "Hot Flash" PJs. The PJs are made of 85% polyester, 10% cotton & "Freshguard", which is the same component used in activewear. But these pajamas are supposedly comfy, too. For more info, click here.

Remember the bridges of Alaska? The $442 million dollar ones? In a misleading attempt to reduce the deficit, the G.O.P. eliminated the 2 "Bridges to Nowhere" projects. But don't be fooled. This isn't reducing our deficit by 1 penny as Alaska is still getting the money, it just won't be earmarked for anything specifically. Bridge, anyone? For more on this, click here

This music is for the dogs! (and cats, too) Do you buy clothes, gourmet food or elegant dishware for Fido or Boots? If so, then I'd like to introduce you to your pampered pet's radio station. DogCatRadio.com plays music 17 hours a day just for your pet. I checked it out & I wasn't impressed, but the website is pretty cool. To check it out (you know you want to) click here.

Illegal Entry in Style Judi Werthein is a person people either love or loathe. She's the controversial artist from Argentina who came to the USA legally in 1997. Werthein is providing free specialized shoes to migrants trying to enter the USA illegally. These are lightweight hiking shoes, with a flashlight & compass attached to shoelace, a zippered tongue to store money or pills in, a removable insole with a map of the border region. (and a blue line showing the direction to follow) As if that wasn't enough, the shoes are red, white & green, the colors of the Mexican flag. On the back ankle is a drawing of Mexico's patron saint of migrants. To read more, click here.

Gee, Thanks Dupont A former Dupont employee alleges study results were intentionally withheld about a Teflon-related chemical that's found in candy wrappers, pizza boxes, microwave popcorn bags & hundreds of other food containers. The study was on the chemical, Zonyl which turns into perfluorooctanoic acid, AKA PFOA, once it enters our body, and birth defects. The EPA is undecided if they're going to classify PFOA as a "likely" human carcinogen. For an article about this, click here.

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posted by jane at 5:09 PM