Thursday, September 29, 2005
This probably isn't going to be a well worded post & I apologize in advance for that. Quite honestly, I'm exhausted. I went to visit my aunt today with my cousin Lola. Lola had warned me in advance about Aunty's jaundice, but with all the preparation, I stll wasn't prepared. Her face is so yellow, it's almost orange. It looks like somebody put mercurochrome on her. Even with the jaundice, she still is so beautiful. My aunt has the softest skin & at 85 she has no wrinkles. This is no exaggeration. I jokingly told her that she looks better without makeup than I do & that's really the truth. She has the most beautiful facial features, her mouth is just like my moms & her eyes & eyebrows are so perfectly shaped. She's got the cutest nose....I want to memorize every part of her face in my memory bank.
She is in less pain today than yesterday & when the doctor came in, she was glad to hear that. The test results came back & while most were good, the most important test was bad. A test they did on her pancreas to measure if it has cancer came back positive. The doctor said the normal reading for it is 50; my aunt's was 8,800.
But Aunty is such an amazing woman, she said she already knew this as she's been talking to God. I've been trying to find out what the 8,800# means & what test this was. If anybody has any information,will you please email me?
I also found out today that my cousin Lola is in stage 4 of breast cancer & while I have yet to research that, I don't think it's good. She read to me from a letter her daughter wrote & she'd shown me the note, it said...'stage 4 cancer'...but when Lola read it, she ommitted the 'stage 4' and just read,, 'cancer'. So, I took that as meaning she didn't want to tell me. I hope this is some trick my eyes played on me & it's not true, but I didn't ask Lola & won't.
I hope you all know how much I enjoy reading your blogs, but in the immediate future, I don't know how much I'll be online. I'll definately be reading your blogs for enjoyment, but just not as often. So, please don't forget me during this difficult time. Normally, I respond to all the comments on my blog posts, I just don't have the energy right now. So, please accept a group 'thank you' to everybody for caring. Even though I'm saying it in a group setting, I'm thinking of each of you individually.
posted by jane at 5:25 PM