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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Cheeta thinks she owns me

Woke up this morning and instead of Tarzan in bed with me, I had a headache. The one that stayed over from last night. MIGRAINE! So I took 2 Amidrine & my headache is finally gone.

I'm glad I've survived night #1, no thanks to Cheeta! She tried to kill me last night! I swear she did! First, she took a swipe at my hand & when I didnt move it fast enough, 1 of her teeth (the razor sharp one) clamped down on my thumbnail. You know, right where it starts to meet the skin. Yeah, effing THERE! A short time later, assuming I'm now her bitch, she tagged my toe. Tagging is just what it sounds like but its done more with her nose than her mouth. It's kinda like she's saying, "I tagged you, whatcha gonna do about it?????" Well, I got down in my Tarzan stance & told her to BRING IT AWWWNNNN!
I am JANE, remember??? Her tail between her legs, she scooted her cutest little butt outside until she knew I was no longer considering her for dinner!
Today however, she's sweet as can be. It's the herd thing again. It's just me & her. So last night was her attempt to move it awwnnn up! Imagine? If I were her bitch (me & Tarzan did discuss this before he left) I'd be locked in my room, or bathroom until Sunday. She has this little strut she does when Tarzan takes her for walks & I know she'd be doing that strut until he came home.
Well, aside from Cheeta, my neighbor brought us over 2 pieces of homemade boston creme pie. Problem is, right now there is no 'us'. So, in essence she brought me 2 pieces. I haven't said so yet, so I will here: When Tarzan is gone, I like to eat. So last night after a pseudo dinner (guacamole & chips) I ate 1 piece. And when I was done I was doing some self-talk & finally convinced myself that I should eat that other piece right then & there. So I did. I'd forgotten about the, "I feel so fat & bloated I want to throw up" part of eating both pieces. The thought of throwing up just grosses me out though. CHUNKS.
This morning I saw my neighbor & thanked her for the cake but said, "I'm going to have the other piece today." Okay, I lied. She's really skinny & I've heard her talk about how disgusting she finds her boyfriend's, I call him Moleman, eating habits. And being that my curves show when I'm standing sideways, not facing, I did make a conscious decision to lie to her. So what?
She lied about how to clean this glass Pyrex dish she borrowed from me. She returned it cleaner than I'd bought it & when I asked her how she said she just washed it. So...ahem....was she saying I don't wash my dishes? I discussed this with Tarzan before he left & I he said to give her my other Pyrex dish & ask her to wash that too. So I did. :)

posted by jane at 2:06 PM