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Sunday, July 31, 2005

Day 4...I fall in love with him all over again

It was a lovely, beautiful, glorious, fantastic, picture perfect day. Tarzan stayed around camp for breakfast & after we ate, we sat outside and talked. I was about to say, but then he said, "It's a perfect day today." We think the same thoughts more & more.

He was crying tears of joy. That's 1 of the things I love so much about him; he's strong enough to cry. Tarzan shed tears of joy as he told me about the day in December of 1972. His dad took him to a motorcycle shop and as they were looking at Yamaha's and out of the blue his dad bought 2 motorcycles. One for himself & one for Tarzan. He said he was so excited, at 12 years old it was the 1 thing he REALLY wanted! And that's when I noticed. I saw a tear running down his cheek & asked if he was okay. He said he was fine & they were tears of joy. He proceeded to tell me that it was raining that day, so his parents let his ride his motorcycle on their grass doing figure 8's to his heart's content.

Another of his fondest memories is sitting in his mom's classroom. She began teaching at 45; he was 9. He was in the 4th grade & she was teaching 4th grade, at another school of course. He thought it was just the coolest thing in the world. I've heard it said that the relationship a boy has with his mother will determine the relationship he has with his partner. I'm definitely the beneficiary of a fantastic mother/son relationship.

We were at Mammoth with his family. Tarzan is the youngest of 3 boys, all 7 years apart. His parents are now 81 years young & in fantastic mental & physical shape. Tarzan's father caught a 17 inch rainbow trout last week, the biggest fish he's ever caught! Although the movies say Tarzan was raised in the wild; the movie lied. Tarzan was raised by Ozzie & Harriet.

I love him so much more than ever before.

posted by jane at 1:55 PM