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Thursday, August 25, 2005

New BLOGS on my block!

I've added some new blogs to my list on the right & would like to introduce them. I'm doing these in random order. My hope is that you'll pick at least 1 to visit, maybe not always the 1st one, but somewhere in between or at the end too. Hope you enjoy them & say hi.

Oliviah Unleashed by, of course, none other than Oliviah! If you read her August 20, 2005 entry, it pretty much tells everything about her & you realize the actual genius that she is. She creates these images & to be honest, I think that's taking pictures, but I must admit, I'm not 100% positive. BUT they are out of this world! Check them out I'm sure you'll agree.

Gene Snyder Airport Sucks~ Owner: Ananke of Falmouth, Kentucky. Her words, "A blog devoted to my hatred of the pompous asses who run the Gene Snyder Airport in Falmouth, Kentucky. Not much to know really. I work in fluorescent hell and I'm looking for another job all the time (hey, who isn't?)."
Okay, some history - Ananke has another blog most of us know, Confused and Amused, which I love to read. Well, now it seems she's verging on the brink of insanity due to some 6 red baron airplanes doing tricks at a local airport that happens to be in direct vicinity of her home.
If you look at some past posts on Confused & Amused, you'll see her flippin the good ol bird to the red baron, but now, she's devoting an entire blog to this insanity/obsession. Won't you come along for the ride? It's really rather humorous & we're planning to streak nekkid down the runway on a Sunday afternoon, say perhaps in September. Shall we?

Wandering Medusa - Medusa lives in Brooklyn, NY and she writes: "medusa is the name of the small town where our family farm is located... the word has always had associations with family and history and the past... subjects that invade my fiction writing constantly."
She writes about daily things in her life, but everytime I read her blog, it makes me smile.

Treading Lightly on Powdered Sugar is written by Queenie, another talented bipolar writer. Now, I have to talk about this specific entry because it's one of the best I've EVER read! It's her August 23, 2005 entry & she & the hub-unit are having this conversation about if she ever becomes pregnant. He says he may have sympathy pains for her when she's in labor. Well, she convinces him that it's not unheard of for spouses to lactate also when their wives are pregnant and he FREAKS OUT! Once you read that entry, you're hooked.

Wild Abandon - A bipolar blog
This is Jil's personal blog of her adventure's in Bipolarland, as she calls it. Kinda like Disneyland, but hey, it's free! She keeps it very real & offers us great insight.

Mood Swings & Other Things is owned by none other than Ms. Gigglezngrinz herself! In her words: "Ramblings, Tantrums and Babblings of a Bi-Polar Mind. Leave a note to let me know you've been here. I'd like to visit your blog if you pass by. Thanks!"
Although I've just started reading this blog, it has a very homey feeling. The kind you can sit down & read post after post & get to know this mom, sister, woman & so much more, I'm sure. Drop by & say hi.

LiKe LauGHTeR WiTH aN "s" ~ Kathryn Slaughter of Schenectady, New York. Her words, "meandering ramblings of a bipolar artist mother poet wife who is too fat and waiting for gastric bypass and trying to keep it altogether just the same. Activist, artist, designer, bird-watcher, b2b marketing consultant, entrepreneur, environmentalist, essayist, mother, poet, novelist, wife."
She's also bipolar. Great site! Excellent graphics, writings, links, you name it, check it out!

Box of Rain is owned by Helen from Vergennes, Vermont. In her own words, "Ex-party animal, ex-city dweller, ex-wife, ex-best friend, ex-student, ex-home owner, forever a Deadhead.....so much to look forward to!"
Helen writes the most interesting posts with outstanding photos.

Contagious by Contagious, gosh sounds like a new fragrance, doesn't it? She lives in New Hampshire & in her own words, "I'm crabby, happy, sarcastic, silly, pessimistic, friendly, social and anti-social. I'm known for my evil eye and often I think I'm smiling but I'm actually scowling."
I've read a few of her posts & she's cute as a button! She saved some little mice & took them outside to live happily ever after. Now that is a kind soul! I like her blog, it's funny & easy going.

Mind Tricks ~ by Pequeno Tigre. In her own words: "Personal fascination with, and exploration of, the mind and the tricks we play on ourselves! My writings are observations mixed with experiences mixed with facts ~ TRANSLATION: This is NOT scientific research. You're welcome to follow along. I explore most of life through ART...my art website is linked in the sidebar... ENJOY!"
Another bipolar artist....gosh we're a talented group!! Check out her current entry though, titled: 101 Things to do INSTEAD of Relapse! (How I wish I'd read this 2 weeks ago!) This woman rocks!

posted by jane at 8:59 PM