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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thanks to All of You

I'm so overwhelmed by all of the comments & emails I've received. You're all such a unique & very genuine group of fantastic people. I was so worried that I couldn't get to the internet to let anybody know I was okay.
I've spent the last week in a hospital for depression. I needed to be there for my own safety. This place was like a sequel to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest! I kinda feel like a zombie cuz they gave me such strong sleeping pills at bedtime. I asked for 1 cuz there were these old men who slept in the hallway & would YELL, more like SCREAM, in the middle of the night & scare the you-know-what out of me. So when I still couldn't sleep after getting the 1 sleeping pill, I told my psych. And he asked why everybody else could except me. I told him cuz everybody else was drugged outta their fucking minds! And it was true. So then he doubled my dosage. (I mean, they dare not put the men in BEDS, right?) But I still got woken up. Another psych added 1 more pill on top of that & that did the trick. Never had another interrupted night of sleep.
Everything is good with my kids & I. Tarzan was a good single dad for a week with Cheeta, she behaved very, very well. The issue w/my kids wasn't the only issue. But I'll write more in the next few days. I feel like I'm 1/2 zombie still from last night's meds. I didn't bring any home!
I must say, My heart has the hugest smile on it, so many people care. I'm extremely sorry to those of you I made worry. I had no idea I was going to the hospital on Weds., I thought I was just going to a psych. appt.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts, prayers & words.
Bless you all

Very Gratefully,

posted by jane at 9:28 PM