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Friday, September 02, 2005

My most sincere thanks

I was going to respond to all of your comments in the comment section, but feel it's more appropriate to do so here. I cannot think of a time in my life when I've felt so loved by so many people. When I signed on today & saw these comments, I was overwhelmed, but in a very good way. I cried, but it was a happy cry. Right now as I write, it's honestly like I can feel your arms around me.

Today has been a better day. I went out with my mom for a few hours & we had a very nice time together. Cavegirl said she & Caveboy have had 2 very long brother to sister talks that were very needed. He apologized for a lot of things, which he needed to do. He still needs to make changes in his behavior, but he's taken that first step in the right direction.

Dan, I've never met you before but, you wrote this, "I believe in you because my house is still standing even though it's missing a leg. It'll teeter like a man on stilts in an earthquake, but it'll stand." and you know, I pictured my house with that 4th leg bandaged, not broken. You believe in me, yet you don't know me. Thank you.

For so long I haven't gone to church because I'm not a christian anymore, so I've felt like I can't go. Well, this Sunday, Cavegirl & I (and maybe Caveboy) are going to a Unitarian church closeby & as I read about them, their 1st affirmation is LOVE. I read more about their church & their beliefs & they're right on with what I & my kids believe.

I can't say enough thanks to each of you. Every single thing that each of you wrote touched my heart & I'm not exaggerating 1 bit by saying that. I hope & pray that something special touches your hearts & life soon that will let you know how much you mean to me.

Tigre....it worked! muchas gracias amiga! jc, y tu!

posted by jane at 4:52 PM