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Monday, October 03, 2005

Shit! and ohhh Tarzan

We have a dilemna in the Caveman family! Remember my sewing goal? Well, today I cut the cut the pattern (first time since 8th grade I've done that!) and last time, well, Tarzan threaded the machine & did the bobbin. BUT....I need orange thread in there, not white, so....he has to rethread it, right? W R O N G!
He can't figure it out & I've put my entire seamstress career on HIM doing this. So, I just took an anxiety pill (1/2 of one) and I am going to go over there & conquer this beast.
I must tell you, I'm a nervous wreck & am no longer feeling the euphoric wonder that I felt earlier.


So, now it's my turn to conquer this f*cker, right? Well, it's not the type of thing you can pound into the pavement, it requires patience and that's Tarzan's department. I have none!
I rethread it about 4 times & redo the bobbin a bunch of times & poor Tarzan, I'm so sarcastic when I'm irritated. He's so mellow, of course, he's a stoner, so what's not to be mellow about? I can't smoke pot, it makes me hyper. So, I'm stuck with my pulse throbbing out of my neck veins.
I try to pull on 1 level & the dang foot of the thing falls off. Tarzan puts it back on somehow. Then, don't ask why (or refer to *stoner above) he does the same thing as I did & I say, "Don't!" but he does & the foot falls off again. And by this time, we've got nothing to do but laugh.
So, think think Jane & Tarzan...he puts oil in it again & we try a few other things and I am walking away and guess what? IT WORKS! Tarzan fixed it! The bobbin thread came up thru with the other thread. He conquered the beast.
So, we turned off the light, turned off the machine & are done for the night.
It's no wonder he's KING OF THE JUNGLE! :)

posted by jane at 8:26 PM