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Monday, December 19, 2005

Bloggin' Boy

The other day, my tenant, Dan, wrote a post titled, "Boys of Bloggin" asking why there's not a Boys of Bloggin' blog. (just try and say that 10 times) Yes, yes, I'm sure this is Dan's way of ever-so-subtly begging us to be our Bloggin' Boy. Who knows? Maybe there are better bloggin' boys in the sea.
Mr. Stud Rockhard, Dan's pet name he gave himself, suggests that there should be a "10 Hottest Guys in Blogging" contest. Hmmm...do they have wet t-shirts? He's even opted a category for himself: "10 Tallest Most Educated Sensitively Effeminate Manic-Depressed Douchebag." I think he can do better than that.
Perhaps there really should be a Boys of Bloggin' blog. With that in mind, let me present to you the first candidate. In an effort to win your vote, he's posted his picture on his blog just for YOU to drool over. (If you're a woman, that is) ((well, men can look...he wants your vote, just not your drool))
Click on his link on my right sidebar & if Dan is your man & has your vote, why not tell Mr. Stud Rockhard himself? If you think he's hot, then let him know he's got your vote for Bloggin Boy of the Year!

posted by jane at 5:10 PM