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Friday, December 16, 2005

Thar's a Noo Tenant in Town! Fry mah hide!

Crystal has a post with the link to The Dialectizer & it will translate your blog post into one of many dialects. Below is my previous post translated into redneck.

This hyar week ah have th' pleasure of bein' th' Lan'lo'd t'Dan at Scenes fum a Wasted Life (though ah doesn't reckon his life is wasted). Thar is a few thin's ah find unique about his blog: Dan has recently been diagnosed wif bipolar diso'der & he talks quite frankly about how this hyar disease is affeckin' his life. Dan also is the man! Fry mah hide! Whut in tarnation does ah mean by thet? Wal, obviously he's a man, as enny fool kin plainly see. But he's a funny man wif a rather dry sense of hoomah (mah Paw had one, too) as fine as bein', fine...a man, as enny fool kin plainly see. Eff'n yo' read his post titled, "Thoughts on Sin'lehood" yo' will knows exackly whut ah mean, as enny fool kin plainly see.
On a mo'e serious note, Dan keeps it real & thass a rare quality t'find, cuss it all t' tarnation. ah have difficulty keepin' it real, but it jest makes me admire them who does even mo'e. He writes about relashunships (yeah, Ombren! Fry mah hide!), th' war an' th' lost of a loved one, jest t'name a few thin's.
See his blog logo on th' top of mah right sidebar? ah hope yo'll he'p me welcome Dan & click his logo. Trest me, eff'n yo' read his blog yo'll be a return visito' soon, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Welcome t'th' jungle, Dan!
Now hoof it viset his blog! Fry mah hide!

Yessuh, ah know, ah's a Rent-Mah-Blog ho.

posted by jane at 9:26 PM