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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

2008 Presidential Poll

Okay, put on your imagination cap & let's play a game. In our little world there is a strong third political party called The Centrist Party. As you may suspect, it's views are between the Republicans & Democrats. Here are some Presidential Tickets. Being that you have to pick one, which ticket do you pick? Why? If you can't pick from amongst these candidates, you may pick your own HOWEVER they must be 1 from the Democratic Party & 1 from the Republican Party. Please explain why you chose them.

1. Condoleezza Rice & Hillary Clinton

2. Joe Biden & Condoleezza Rice

3. Hillary Clinton & John McCain

4. John McCain & Joe Biden

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. In order to avoid the IRS Audit Curse for 2006, visit The Neurotic Closet Bitch's blog on my upper right sidebar PRONTO! If you don't, well....I'm just tryin' to help ya..

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posted by jane at 9:51 PM