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Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I'm not proud of the solution I've stooped to, but at the same time, its the only solution that's doable right now. So, my family has been told to call & let my phone ring once, hang up & call back. Thats the only way I'm answering my phone up.
Tarzan said last night my drunk neighbor did a sort of pouty thing after I didnt pick up the phone when she called. She saw him outside with Cheeta & made a point to close slam the doors & windows shut, then turn off all the lights, as to 'punish' me. Then she left a message saying, "All my doors are locked & unless he breaks the door down, he can't get in. Thanks for your concern." In a very slurred voice. Today, no phone calls from her & didn't hear a peep.
I'm hoping that when she does finally come & talk (and I know she will) I will have the guts to say, "I will talk with you about anything EXCEPT for this relationship." I should have added in my previous post that I'm pretty sure she told Moleman things I'd said about him. Things, mind you, I said ONLY when I saw her black eye & bruised arm he gave her! So when he glared at me last week I found it pecuilar being that I've only said hi to him once. I put 2 and 2 together & as a result, I am not going to allow her to put me in the middle again. I know the things she's said about him when she comes over here. I am slow, but eventually I catch on.
So remember, when you call: let the phone ring once. hang up. call back. :)

back to the cave i go

posted by jane at 11:42 PM