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Monday, June 27, 2005

"Dad, why isn't the water chocolate?"

It was the summer 1964 & I was 5 years old. We all sat in the idling station wagon, my older siblings & I. It went boy (16), girl (15), boy(13), demon-boy (9) and then there was myself. We were taking the boat & going to Puddingstone Lake for the day. I HATED the boat! I was always afraid it was going to tip over. And once you were out in the water, you were stuck. So, I plain didnt want to go!
The 7 of us sat in the driveway ready to go, I of course was crying, when my always-one-step-ahead Dad turned around & said, "Jane, I hoped you brought a BIG spoon because you do know what Puddingstone Lake is made of, right?" I sniffled back, "No?" To which my Dad replied, "Why it's made of chocolate pudding, Jane!" Oh goodness, it was like the night before Christmas!! I jumped out the station wagon, I could feel the sunlight shine on my freckled face as I ran thru the backyard & quickly dashed into the kitchen. On that particular day, there just weren't any spoons big enough! It was with my big sister's help, we found the BIGGEST spoon we could. Grinning ear to ear as I skipped back to the car and I gladly got back into the station wagon. I sat as happy as a clam the entire ride to Puddingstone Lake.
Suffice it to say, it is an understatement to say that I CRIED when we reached the blue waters of Puddingstone.
It was a long day.

posted by jane at 5:16 PM