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Sunday, July 31, 2005

I'm just not a material girl

This is my last entry about our vacation. It was by far the most relaxing trip to date, as we took the time to get to know our camping neighbors & enjoyed each other's company. We spent time with 1 couple that is from Tarzan's hometown & coincidentally knows my oldest brother. We also met 2 couples that are fulltime RV'ers. We conversed about mundane things we'd normally be too busy for. We discussed how high fleas jump, the ingelligence of ants, the color & length of an Okapi's tongue, the wedding from hell
& escapees.com. I read Detour by Lizzie Simon, The Prison Angel by Mary Jordan & Kevin Sullivan and I'm 1/2 way thru Objection! by Nancy Grace; all books I recommend.

One night, Tarzan & I sat outside by the fire as it became dark and the stars began to shine. We talked about our families and walked down memory lane together. It was suddenly so quiet, the trees appeared black against the mystical blue sky filled with glowing stars. It was just us & the silence. In a stillness that seemed to stop time, I had an epiphany. The kind you long for your entire life. It was so simple, but it filled my heart. And as corny as that may sound, that's all I've ever wanted. Here it is:

~~Truth be told, I'm not a materialistic woman. I've had plenty of gold jewelry with diamonds & rubies and when I was a heroin addict, I sold it all to a pawn shop. Actually, I sold anything that wasn't nailed down & some things that were. Material things really don't do anything for me. Maybe it's the fact that I was alone for so many years, I have a greater appreciation for companionship. In essence, I've become rather simplistic: peace of mind and good health are my jewels of choice.
I have no big dreams of faraway voyages, when I want to go someplace, I can go in my mind. Trees are trees. We all see the same sun, the same moon, the same sky. Put me anyplace in this world (except Bakersfield, California) and as long as I'm with Tarzan, I'm content.~~

On our 6th day of camping, I was feeling grungy. Tarzan stood outside & looked at me as I stood in the door of our RV, smiled & in his best Billy Crystal imitation, said: "Why you look simply mahvelous dahling." (I could have sworn he had a tux on)There I stood, in an old t-shirt, hair in a ponytail, legs unshaven, feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world! Since then, I keep asking him, "How do I look?" He smiles and says, "You look mahvelous dahling. Don't you feel mahvelous?" And I must say, I do.

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posted by jane at 2:11 PM


Day 4...I fall in love with him all over again

It was a lovely, beautiful, glorious, fantastic, picture perfect day. Tarzan stayed around camp for breakfast & after we ate, we sat outside and talked. I was about to say, but then he said, "It's a perfect day today." We think the same thoughts more & more.

He was crying tears of joy. That's 1 of the things I love so much about him; he's strong enough to cry. Tarzan shed tears of joy as he told me about the day in December of 1972. His dad took him to a motorcycle shop and as they were looking at Yamaha's and out of the blue his dad bought 2 motorcycles. One for himself & one for Tarzan. He said he was so excited, at 12 years old it was the 1 thing he REALLY wanted! And that's when I noticed. I saw a tear running down his cheek & asked if he was okay. He said he was fine & they were tears of joy. He proceeded to tell me that it was raining that day, so his parents let his ride his motorcycle on their grass doing figure 8's to his heart's content.

Another of his fondest memories is sitting in his mom's classroom. She began teaching at 45; he was 9. He was in the 4th grade & she was teaching 4th grade, at another school of course. He thought it was just the coolest thing in the world. I've heard it said that the relationship a boy has with his mother will determine the relationship he has with his partner. I'm definitely the beneficiary of a fantastic mother/son relationship.

We were at Mammoth with his family. Tarzan is the youngest of 3 boys, all 7 years apart. His parents are now 81 years young & in fantastic mental & physical shape. Tarzan's father caught a 17 inch rainbow trout last week, the biggest fish he's ever caught! Although the movies say Tarzan was raised in the wild; the movie lied. Tarzan was raised by Ozzie & Harriet.

I love him so much more than ever before.

posted by jane at 1:55 PM


Saturday, July 30, 2005

Vacation Day 2...And We All Fall Down

Our 2nd day of camping was somewhat eventful in that we both had mishaps. Tarzan has had 1 before, he fell off a log & into a stream while fishing. He's an avid fisherman and will literally go to ANY ends (with a fishing pole) to catch a fish! I, on the other hand, only have to put one foot in front of the other and chaos seems to find me.

Tarzan's fall:
I was fishing at Lee Vining and I hooked this 16 inch Alper's Trout, as in the World Renowned Private Trout Farm. After fighting with the fish a few minutes, I had to decide if I was going in the water & use my net or drag the fish on shore.
So I made the fatal decision to drag the fish on shore & as I dragged said fish, it flopped into a shallow inlet.
Before the fish could escape I jumped into the stream with the intention of scooping it into the bank. BUT.....
My feet slipped from beneath me, sending me face down, spread eagle in the stream, literally up to my eyebrows and all but my hat were soaked. I jumped out of the water like a fish out of a frying pan. (the fish got away)

PS...This is Jane..(when I asked him about why he left out the part about the bubbles coming from out of his hat & sunglasses he said it was because HE LIED TO ME & MADE THAT PART UP!)

Jane's fall:

When we go camping, we have a 2 Ft metal fence enclosure for Cheeta. It's firmly set into the ground with pegs & has a gate opening but we always just step over it. Well, as I was stepping over it 1 of my sandals got caught somehow & there was nothing to grab onto. Tarzan was by the picnic table about 15 feet away & I could see his eyes widening as I could feel myself falling backwards. I had 1 foot on top of the fence & 1 foot outside of it, my arms were flapping like a bird trying to DO SOMETHING! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Tarzan swooped down from a vine and....wait , rewind

First, my back !CRASH! then my head !BANG! my legs flying in the air & my arms still flapping senselessly!

Tarzan finally walks over: "Are you okay?"

As I rolled over on my side, I started laughing & so did Tarzan. We both have some nasty bruises but we also came away with great laughs!

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posted by jane at 10:25 PM


Detox...Err Vacation Day 1

We're back home safely & yes, I did miss blogging toward the end. I was ready to come home on Friday, mostly because I missed my kids & my mom. And while I enjoy the mountains, I can be anywhere with Tarzan & I'm content. It's always good to be home. I'm combining 2 days of vacation plus a special little note regarding my blog.

Feel free to comment on my blog. But please, if you're going to argue a point, argue the point...not the person who made the point. Thanks :)

After a 6 hour drive, we finally arrived in Mammoth. As we're ascending up the mountain, Tarzan is literally covering his ears saying, "No more politics, I've got a headache!" 7,700 altitude kicks your ass! Cheeta crashed as soon as we let her in the RV.


Either I'm hallucinating or Tarzan is making arrangements to send me to a 'funny farm' in Seattle!


Typing with a pen SUCKS!

My mind has always been like a TV when the remove is in a man's hands; switching all the time. I thought I had ADD. But now, I just think I was a blogger before blogging was born.

I'm finally finding my voice. Not just my voice when I'm angry or sad, but my voice in which I can express my thoughts just about 'things'. Next, I need to learn the right words to describe the 'things'.

By this time next year I'd wanted a laptop to blog up there, I've overruled on that. I NEED that off time of no phone, no TV, no newspaper, no computer....you get the idea. :)


Downside: mosquitos
Upside: neighborliness

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posted by jane at 4:23 PM


Saturday, July 23, 2005

A fishin we've a gone

The Caveman family is officially on vacation until next Saturday, July 30, 2005. We've gone up to Mammoth, California to escape the hellfire of Southern California. I'm putting some blogs I highly enjoy with a brief description. I've closed comments. (at least I tried to) See you all next week. Take it easy & peace :)

BLOGFART carrie is a reality show waiting to happen. So few can do George Carlin so eloquently, well, Carrie's got his many use's of the F bomb down to a science. She's not for the weak at heart. If you don't like Carlin.........beware. (I happen to love her blog!)

Courting Destiny Pia Savage is so many wonderful things. Her blog is the first one that made me sigh at it's design. Then, I read it. She'll capture you're attention & draw you into her world & have you coming back daily for more. A warm, wonderful soul.

Further Ironies JC...though we just met. Someone I feel I've known all my life. The more she writes, the more I know we must know each other, despite living thousands of miles apart. She's an amazing woman with a zeal and determination for living life on life's terms!

Gran's on Bran Doris is my first blog buddy. She helped me make it thru when Tarzan was away on a fishing trip. She's madly in love with Mr. Doris & makes these banana/whipped cream sandwiches that sound absolutely heavenly. She lives in UK & has a unique flair with words.

I'm dying Saint Martha, an absolute Saint! She writes so gracefully. I've never been to an opera, but I'd imagine her writing is what an opera singer would sing like, going from sadness to joy within a few moments & beautifully carrying the listener with them. She's got a gift!

The Pansi Files Weirsdo gets 3 honors: first & second for being the most original & entertaining. third because Tarzan said, "now that's a blog I like"

Reaching Maturity Elyse has me awestruck. She's a young Christian woman who asks thought provoking questions, but what really impresses me is this.....she actually weighs the answers she gets & comes to conclusions that she can give reasons for HER stance. It's not often I will plug a Christian's blog, but hers is 1 I think highly of. Please read her blog & submit your responses.

Stumbling thru life with Grace3T is a charm! She's very sincere & comes across as though she'd invite you into her home for some tea & a friendly chat. Very enjoyable blog.

The Bipolar's WorldBill is one of my favorite bloggers. He's also bipolar & very real. I enjoy reading about other bp's who are living successful lives & Bill's doing just that. He's getting ready to have a book published & has also started a 2nd blog about the paranormal & stuff that scares me. But, maybe you like ghosts.

The Hen House Henny is sweet as can be! She's got a farm & a wonderful family. Her son is serving in Iraq. Her blog is very down home, warm, weekly recipes & lately, about her health. Please say hi to her.

Tickles TapewormTickles is the kinder, gentler half of Blogfart. hahaha I'm just kidding! He is the other half, but she's a sweetheart too. He puts scary stuff on his blog sometimes, like ghost faces that haunt you. And some freaky farm stories. But all in all, its a cool blog.

Carrie Quite ContraryCarrie has Chutzpah! Carrie writes about anything & everything. Her blog graphics change the most of any blog I've seen. I admire her for standing her ground when it seems so many disagree with her, it takes a strong person to do that. Her photography is out of this world!!

Okay I have to get up in 4 hours. I don't have time to spellcheck this, so please forgive any typos. I'm sorry I couldn't include all of the links on my blogroll, it just wasn't possible. OMGOSH I'm gonna go thru withdrawls.......helppppppppp

Jane the Insane

posted by jane at 12:28 AM


Friday, July 22, 2005

Jane's Addiction

Today is "Confession Friday" so I'm confessin, I'm a Big-Brotheroholic. That should be no big surprise since I'm also a Blogoholic. See the pattern? I've been watching it ever since BB1 and was absolutely thrilled when Eddie won.
I used to be an AOL member & remember the days when the chatrooms would exceed 100 and we'd all stay up with the live feeds, watching Karen go nuts & listen to Chicken George talk about how he pooped up on top of a roof he was repairing one time. Then we listened to Brittany say how she was still a virgin but enjoyed anal sex. Oy vey. She colored her hair a few too many times!
Do you remember Justin holding the knife to Kristen's neck? Playing of course. But I believe they were drunk & BB called Justin to the room & then he was kindly & discreetly escorted out of the BB house. Let's see, then there was weirdo Mike the honky rapper. I think he was my least favorite BB houseguest ever. Well I could probably name 5 close runners up, but I wont.
Holly's voice irritated the hell out of me. I saw Scott's naked pictures, I'll just say he NEVER should have posed nude! Jase thought he was all of what he wasn't.

I've had the live feeds most every year, but this year I don't. That's because I'm more into my Blogoholism than my Big-brotheroholism. But this year I think Eric is such a drama queen! And for a fire fighter? Ewwww! And that Ivette, if she says one more time, "I'm gonna go Latin on his ass", then "I'm gonna go Latin on HER ass!" Well, maybe.
I like Kaysar & Janelle, but as usual, I like the underdog. They've got a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
Would you do me a favor dahlings, please, and watch for me while I'm away camping for a week? I've provided some links for you. If you really love me, why you'll even stay up and watch the 24/7 live feeds. Thanks mucho.

Big Brother 6 Live Online

TV Clubhouse Big Brother

Revenge of the Houseguests

Big Brother Housecalls

posted by jane at 3:40 PM


Thursday, July 21, 2005

W. W. G. S.

Why is homosexuality such a big issue for religious folk? Whether it be gay marriage or civil unions, health insurance for partners or adoption rights, what bothers you so much about them?

I believe the 3 major religions, Islam, Christianity & Judaism all believe in the 10 Commandments, I'm going to paraphrase them, but if you click HERE you can actually read them in full (N.I.V.) version:

1) Have no other gods before God.
2) Make no idols, do not bow down & worship idols.
3) Don't use God's name in vain.
4) Keep the Sabbath holy.
5) Honor your mother and father.
6) Don't murder.
7) Don't commit adultery.
8) Don't steal.
9) Don't give false testimony against your neighbor.
10) Don't covet what your neighbor has.

I don't see where it says to hate homosexuals. As a matter of fact, I think before religious people even get to the homosexual issue, they have a LOT of housecleaning to do.
Homosexuality is mentioned just 1 (one) time in the bible, it's in I Corinthians 6:9. While there are 3 other sexual immoralities listed in the same verse, there are a number of other examples, in the same sentence, of who will NOT inherit the kingdom of God. I've listed all of them below & in parenthesis are how many times the word is listed in the bible.

idolaters (7)
adulterers (12)
male prostitutes (18) (non-gender)(I'm assuming this means female prostitutes are excluded)
homosexual offenders (1)
----same sentence, verse 10----
thieves (11)
greedy (26)
drunkards (50)
slanderer (47)
swindler (3)

Homosexuals are getting an unfair rap here! Why do people care what they do in bed? Why can't people understand this isn't a "choice". Who would ever want to subject themselves to this kind of hate? To be ridiculed & disowned, even by their mother & father.
And why are people so concerned about what homosexuals do behind closed doors, in their own homes, in their own beds, with another consenting adult? Do you obsess over what your pastor & their spouse do in bed? Then, why the obsession?
Not only should the God-fearing first be focused on the 10 Commandments, but then they should make sure they're not committing any of the above-mentioned sins that will cause one NOT to get into God's kingdom. Don't only be concerned with yourself & your family, but with those in your congregation & your denomination! Afterall, you do want them to enter God's kingdom with you, right?
My question is, What would God say? I wonder. 1 verse comes to mind: (And appropriately, it's in the book of Matthew)

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.




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posted by jane at 9:56 PM


We're all in this together

Carrie asked 2 valid questions, but I've rephrased them into one:

Do the benefits of putting your children's pictures on the internet outweigh the risks? (of potentially sharing their picture with pedophiles)

According to National Alert Registry 2,000 children per day go missing. Using those statistics, that is 40 children per state. Annually that's 14,600 children per state. Certainly some states have more missing children than others, but that's an astounding 730,000 nationwide. Prior to doing this research, I had no idea the numbers were so high.

*I've added this paragraph & additional resource as a result of 2 comments questioning the statistic that National Alert Registry gave of 2,000 missing children per day. I found this supporting information on The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website. "According to NISMART-2 research, which studied the year 1999, an estimated 797,500 children were reported missing; 58,200 children were abducted by nonfamily members; 115 children were the victims of the most serious, long-term nonfamily abductions called "stereotypical kidnappings"; and 203,900 children were the victims of family abductions." Remember, this is according to a 1999 study, NOT a 2004 or 2005 study!

JC is waiting until her grandson is old enough to decide if he wants his picture on the internet. Until then, she only shares them with her friends. Weirsdo of The Pansi Files takes a pro-active approach & I think that's the way to go. I've decided to provide links to help parents arm themselves with knowledge & resources. I realize this may sound like I'm beating a dead horse, but these are little children we're talking about here, our most precious commodity.

SOC-UM-Safeguard - This website has a wealth of information including lots of info on internet safety for your kids.

Klaas Kids Foundation - founded by Mark Klaas, father of 12 year old Polly Klaas who was abducted & murdered. This site provides helps tips for parents and also gives information in case your child goes missing. (also look up the take home child ID kit)

Beyond Missing - also founded by Mark Klaas. Works in conjunction with the U.S. Dept. of Justice & provides fliers for missing children. It's helps you get the word out to the media, Amber alerts, parent tools & much more.

scanusa.com - This is a free, nationwide program. They will notify you via computer, cellphone or PDA for up to 5 zipcodes of your choice. You can choose which alerts you want to be notified of:
neighborhood crime, terrorism, sexual predators moving into the area (I just got a notification of 1 today), weather, natural disasters, cyber attacks, fire advisories, health emergencies, as well as neighborhood public safety information.

As always, I'd like to hear your opinions.

posted by jane at 8:45 AM


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Just for family & friends?

I want to stay on the subject of pedophiles. While it's something that literally makes our skin crawl, it's also something we MUST address. 2,000 kids go missing daily in the U.S.A. I'll warn you now, this post makes me very uncomfortable & it probably will you too. Especially if you're a parent of a young child, but I feel obligated to YOU to write this.

What do pedophiles like? Young children. And where might they look to see them? Perhaps the internet and blogs are legal as they're not child porn sites. (I can already hear the cursing!) I'm not saying the family pictures are porn. The way these monsters INTERPRET the pictures of children IS sexual & pornographic. Sick as that sounds, its the truth.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the monster that kidnapped & molested Shasta Groene & killed her family had a blog for 1 or 2 years on blogspot. (He's also being questioned about the 2003 disappearance of another little girl, 5 year old Leanna Warner)

While I understand it's the parents choice what they do with their blog & regarding their children, why would one chance it? Parent blogs talk about where they live, their daily going-ons, routines, what the kids like, you get the picture. If you're going to put a family blog with pictures of young children, why not make it private? I'm not talking about family blogs in general, only those that give detailed information (city, state, names, etc) and pictures.

I'd like to hear from parents, grandparents, teenagers, nonparents, everybody on this topic. What's your opinion? Do you think it's wise to provide information about young children on blogs?

posted by jane at 12:46 PM


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

To lobotomize or what? Part II

While surfing in Blogistan tonight, I came upon a website with pictures of children. I chose to leave a message suggesting to the parents they not put their children's pictures on the internet. Why? Well, in case you haven't heard, check out fifthnail.blogspot.com/, this is Joseph Duncan III's blog. Duncan is the monster who murdered Shasta Groene's family. We now know he stalked them for 2-3 days with night vision glasses. It's not something we like talking about, but we must! Who knows who surfs these blogs.
As a result of leaving this message, I have a new 'anonymous' poster whom I apparently upset. This surprises me because the parents are obviously religious & I don't think they'd approve of this individual's method of communication. If you've got something to say or suggest, as I did, why not do so under your real blog name? If you leave something cowardly on my post & sign it anonymous, it's getting deleted.
Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything. I've been looking for that blog so I could delete my post or request they do. It's their choice & they don't know me. Just the thought of kids pictures being 'out there' for anybody to see raises huge red flags. But, that's my deal.

Back to the lobotomies....
It's obvious that lobotomies aren't the way to go with violent sexual offenders and/or pedophiles. What would YOU have done to them?

posted by jane at 10:51 PM


Do you lobotomy?

If doctors could precisely remove the part of the brain responsible for the sex drive of violent sexual offenders and pedophiles, would you be in favor of lobotomies just for this purpose?
Please read on before answering…….

California has just built it’s 4th prison for violent sexual offenders. Coalinga State Hospital will house 1,500 inmates who would otherwise be released. In the U.S.A. alone there are 491,720 REGISTERED sex offenders. 1 of 3 girls and 1 of 6 boys will become victim to a pedophile.
There’s a new book in town! According to an article by Linda A. Johnson, "The Lobotomist" by Walter J. Freeman claims that of the estimated 50,000 Americans who were lobotomized during the 1930s - 1970s, 10% were helped. While that's definately nothing to brag about, the book is causing a new stir in the lobotomy debate. The subject was revisited as recently as July, 14 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Did you know that even Rosemary Kennedy, President Kennedy’s mildly retarded sister, had a lobotomy? She was only 23 in 1940, when the procedure was performed, and was institutionalized until her death in January, 2005.
Lobotomies were pioneered in 1936 by Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz & he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1949. Family members of those rendered incapacitated, as a result of a lobotomy, want Moniz’s 1949 Nobel Prize and words of praise on the Nobel web site to be removed. That's not likely to happen. More information about this can be found at psychosurgery.org.
How does the past tie in with the present? We’ve come a long way since the 1970s. Population growth, medical progress and most concerning, more children being hurt or murdered at the hands of pedophiles. What if we now have medical knowledge to perform lobotomies & it wouldn’t incapacitate the bastards? Are you in favor?

posted by jane at 4:21 PM


Monday, July 18, 2005

Update Re: R A P E

Here's some new information:

Jill's husband called Cavegirl today & told her that he'll testify in court against Jill as he doesn't believe her. She's been getting home from work 1 1/2- 2 hours late every night. He thought it was because of her position, but since inquiring with others who have had this title, he's realized she's been lying to him for months.

He also told Cavegirl the bruises Jill had weren't there until Friday.

Jill told her husband & her mom that Mike also raped Cavegirl. NOT TRUE!

Both Cavegirl & Mike have been interviewed by their employer. Jill has avoided being interviewed since Saturday.

Mike has yet to be contacted by the police.

Personally, I don't believe this will be going to trial. The police have yet to contact Mike. If anything legally comes of this, I'll post.

posted by jane at 2:09 PM


Saturday, July 16, 2005


Something has been weighing heavy on my mind all day & I have to put it out there. I'm not sure what to think & I'd like as many comments as possible on this post. Regardless of your opinion on this, I'd like to hear it.

Last night at 12:30a.m., my daughter, Cavegirl, called & said a coworker was at her house. The coworker, "Jill", was claiming that she had been raped last Sunday, July 10th by yet another coworker, "Mike". I could tell Cavegirl was upset so I asked if she wanted me to go over & she said she did.
I drove the 15 miles to her house & when I got there Jill immediately showed me some bruises on her arms. I didn't ask for details as I didn't feel it was my place. But I did say I thought she should make a police report, talk to a rape crisis center & get tested; she agreed.
I called the police for her & as we waited more information was revealed. Jill mentioned that she'd held Mike back when he was going to get in a fight with someone. Mike was plastered, that's a known fact. When Caveboy came home he asked her what had happened & the explanation she gave just didn't jive. It was 2 sentences but I don't want to repeat what she said. It was very cold, calculated and physically didn't make any sense whatsoever. Something was void.

By 2:30a.m. the police still hadn't come & everything was under control. I said my goodbyes & headed home.

A few more facts:
The morning after the alleged incident, Jill called Cavegirl for Mike's phone number. She said she wanted to call to make sure he was okay.

All night long Jill kept saying she just wanted Mike fired from work.

Jill is married. Some of her husband's friends saw her at a nightspot with Mike the night of the 10th. When her hubby found out, he kicked Jill out. That was last night, the night she finally chose to tell someone.

Today Mike was called into the office & suspended for 1 week from work for this incident. Word is he'll be fired next week.

I'm very uneasy about all this. More women I know, than not, have been raped or molested. But I also know some women make false accusations. Maybe it's evident, but I'm not really believing her story. Just as I'm concerned for a victim, I'm also concerned about someone being falsely accused.

Am I wrong for doubting her? Thoughts, please.

posted by jane at 9:49 PM


Friday, July 15, 2005

...and this little piggy got BIG

Pot bellied pigs make wonderful pets. They take a lot of time, training & patience. But in my opinion, they're well worth the effort. They're said to be the 4th most intelligent animal. Pigs don't have very good eyesight, but they have a heightened sense of smell & sound. An interesting note: they have 2 sets of eyelids. One of Cheeta's oddities is that she likes to lie on her side & be swept with a broom. Since we belong to a PBP Club, we've gone to a few pignics & have seen some talented pigs. 1 played the piano, another pushed a shopping cart! One on Animal Planet even painted! Cheeta sits (for food), is harness & leash trained, pushes a ball, and even touches specific toys when prompted (with food, of course).
I prefer a pig over a cat or dog. Think of Morris the Cat & there you have a pig's attitude! Cheeta doesn't cough up hairballs. If she were a he, she/he wouldn't lick her/his balls. She doesn't bark (except when running) and no cat cries. (I do like dogs & cats but Tarzan's allergic)

Pot bellied pigs normally weigh between 60-175 pounds. They're called miniature because regular sized pigs easily weigh over 400 lbs. Some places claim to breed 'micro-mini' pigs & these breeders are lying! The tiny pigs they're showing as the parents are usually still piglets themselves. They usually stick 2- three month old pigs in the pen & say that's the parents. Unfortunately, the families become attached and when the pig exceeds the guaranteed limit, the heartbroken family must take them to a rescue. Cheeta is almost twice the size we were told she'd get, luckily we've been able to keep her. In the county I live in, there are over 300 pigs waiting to be rescued.

Did you know that pigs have hair? And that they shed their hair in the summertime? When Cheeta is shedding, there is a little patch of hair between her eyes, I like to spike it and call her "Ollie".
Pigs aren't really piggish. They eat uncontrollably because they don't have a thalamus. I know of some humans who might not have a thalamus. Know what I mean?
Pigs are dirty only if their owners keep them in dirty conditions. Don't misunderstand me. Pigs LOVE the mud! They can't sweat, so they lie in the mud to cool off. But they don't like to eat & poop in the same area. Cheeta goes potty in a litter box that we've converted out of a plastic 3 foot storage box. She usually just poops on her walks. That's another benefit, pig poop isn't like dog poop. As far as poop goes, its more like rabbit poop.

She goes for 4 walks a week which last as long as she wants them to.
She wears a harness as opposed to a collar, then we just clip on the leash. At the beginning of her walks, she puts her nose high in the air to catch any new scents. She doesn't like windy day walks as her sense of sound is removed & pigs are not predators, but prey. Most everybody who sees her likes her, especially children & the elderly. When she smells jacaranda's she lies down & rubs her body against the grass. she barks when she runs & that startles people. It sounds like a deep & loud WHORF! and she moves horizontally like a running back! She's got the good life here with us.

Cheeta costs us about $100 a month in upkeep. We clean her ears, trim her hooves & even wash her behind after her walks. Afterall, someone has to & she can't, right? They're a long term commitment as they live to be about 15 years old. While pot bellied pigs are becoming more recognized as domesticated, each city has their own zoning laws you must follow. Aside from zoning laws, there aren't many laws protecting pot bellied pigs. In the U.S.A. they weren't intended for food, but it's not against the law to eat one. It would be highly irresponsible not to thoroughly research pbp's prior to getting one. If you decide you want a pig, PLEASE don't buy one from a breeder. There are so many hundreds of pig rescues that are just hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Most of these pigs have been loved, trained & are simply adorable! And all the rescues I'm aware of will always accept their pig back if, at any time, you decide you don't want it. Another reason to get your pig at a rescue is because most are full grown & they're as big as they're gonna get. If you like pets but can't adopt one, most rescues can always use volunteers. :)

Some rescues:

Belly Draggers
lil orphan hammies (look at this website, its the best!)
Montana large animal rescue (and pbps)
Twilight bridge (a pbp website)

posted by jane at 10:25 PM


When Pigs Fly

Cheeta must have been a darn good animal in her previous life! When you think of a pig being born into this world, don't you associate that with it becoming bacon soon? Well, imagine being born a pot bellied pig & being treated like royalty.

She was born on July 5, 2002 to Faith Hill & Elvis. We picked her up on October 5,2002, put her in a baby blanket and I held her for the entire ride home. She gets 3 meals a day, all include her pot bellied pig pellets. Her meals consist of cucumber for breakfast, broccoli for lunch, steamed veggies for dinner. For snacks she likes organic corn puffs, grapes, apples & her new favorite addition, but one she'll rarely ever get: strawberries.
On her birthday she gets special treatment! For breakfast she had one of her newer favorites, mango & grapes. Lunch was watermelon & dinner was canned corn.

She's a camping piggy! The 6 hour drive is a bit long for both Cheeta & I, but we endure. She walks up a ramp into the backseat of the truck, which she gets entirely to herself. We make a few stops on the way up for potty & water/food. She's somewhat of a field & stream pig as she loves to walk by the streams, sticking her hooves & nose in the freezing cold water. When we walk through the open fields, she likes to bark as she runs. When she finds a spot of mud, she roots a huge hole with her nose & plops down in it. She knows camping means special treats, long walks & new friends!

She sleeps pretty much like you & I do. The only difference is that she sleeps on the floor, not a bed. She has 2 pillows & 3 blankets. We throw the blankets over her, but she's taught herself how to arrange it so the blankets are covering her & up to her neck & her head rests on 1 pillow. And also like humans, she's grumpy if anybody bothers her before she's ready to wake up!

I think she's got it made for being a pig. See why I think she must have earned her wings?

posted by jane at 1:18 AM


Thursday, July 14, 2005

When Jane met Tarzan

One day, JANE met TARZAN in the jungle. She was very attracted to him and during her questions about his life she asked him how he engaged to have sex. "What's that?" he asked.

She explained to him what sex was and he said, "Oh, I use a hole in the trunk of a tree."

Horrified, she said, " Tarzan, you have it all wrong but I will show you how to do it properly."

She took off her clothes, lay down on the ground and spread her legs.

"Here," she said, "you must put it in here."

Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer and then gave her an almighty kick in the crotch. Jane rolled around in agony. Eventually she managed to gasp,"What the hell did you do that for?"

"Just checking for bees." said Tarzan


posted by jane at 2:37 AM


Monday, July 11, 2005

Bushi's RoveGate

I had a lightbulb moment while reading FurtherIronies yesterday. In JC's blog she explains that it's important she remain anonymous so that she can vent without worrying about what people she knows will think about her. I wholeheartedly agree with her. I've intentionally shied away from political posts (as much as I can) but something has me so angry, while I don't want to offend anybody, I've got to write about it. Bushi's have exploited the words: Jesus, freedom, democracy & American and I strongly resent that!

This is NOT directed at the military, their parents, spouses, grandparents, friends or acquaintances. The only group this is meant for is the Bushi's. (Bushi's is my name for the collective bunch of Bush, his family, Administration, and supporters). While I welcome any comments to this entry, I won't hesitate to delete inappropriate remarks.

For weeks now we've heard the 'leak'in the CIA/Plame case was Karl Rove aka Bush's Brain. This wasn't the 1st time he's done the dirty work, in 1992, Rove was fired from the Bush Gubernatorial Campaign for planting a disparaging story about a Bushi with Bob Novak.
During the 2000 election, Bushi's dubbed the Decorated Vietnam Veteran, John McCain "The Fag Candidate". Bushi's also started a rumor in South Carolina that John Mc Cain fathered an illegitimate child. It's speculated these lies cost McCain the South Carolina primary.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been waiting to see how RoveGate would be white-washed by Bushi's. I caught my first glimpse last week on The Situation with Tucker Carlson when he said it didn't matter. Actually, Tucker said he likes leakers! By Carlson's reaction, spilled milk seems more newsworthy than the fact that Rove broke 2 federal laws: 1) Lying to the grand jury. 2) Identifying a covert CIA agent. Of course, this was in retaliation for Valerie Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, reporting the FACTS regarding Iraq & WMD. He knew then what we all know now, the world was being lied to.

It wasn't, of course, Bush who did these unethical acts or called people these horrendous names. There seems to be striking similarities between Bush & a defense attorney....dont ask for the entire truth & you won't know the entire truth. I remember being taught, as a child, "Birds of a feather flock together," and "Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." No words truer said.

What has me so pissed off is this: Bushi's say they support him because of his 'moral' fortitude. What gives Americans the right to be the moral police of the world? I suggest we'd best stop living by the "Do as we say, not as we do" double standard that we're setting. Here are a few examples:

1) How can the unborn life be of such high value, yet a vibrant Iraqi's life is of none?

2) Where does it say in the bible that God loves The United States or Christians more than others countries or religions?

3) Where does it say it's okay to lie about a reason to go to war, and then justify killing over 150,000? (or just not keep statistics so you can say nobody knows).

3a) Okay let's keep that one simple, where in the bible does it condone LYING?

4) Let's be real. How do you spread freedom with daisy cutters?

5) Where does it say you're supposed to pledge your loyalty to a country's leader when his actions contradict the bible?

Sure, there were wars in biblical days. But when Jesus came (afterall, that's who CHRISTIANS follow) he talked about 'turning the other cheek', 'he who is without sin cast the first stone', 'love thy neighbor as thyself', 'though you have all the gifts but don't have love, you are like a clanging symbol.' Jesus lived & taught love & harmony, not hatred & war. I fail to see any love, ethics, morals or compassion in any of the above-mentioned examples.

Simply said, President Bush is a liar. He is an evil doer. He is not Christ-like. I hope President Bush is held accountable by HIS God, according to the standards by which HE judges others.

peace to all who seek it

posted by jane at 2:01 PM


Thanks Tickles Tapeworm & Blogfart

Tonight my blog went tripolar on me! Fortunately, Tickles Tapeworm came to the rescue!! The guy has not so much as talked to me before & he took at least an hour of his time to help figure out what happened with my blog. And figure it out he did! He & girlfriend, Carrie, who has come to my rescue before.
His blog is cool. He uses words I didn't know before I visited there. Like I hadn't heard of 'Bit Torrent' software or that it was free.........click here to read more.
1 more thing about Tickles, he is famous for a haiku he wrote, check it out!

And then there is Carrie of Blogfart. She's helped me out before & did so again. Reading Carrie's posts convinces me more each day there should be a live webcam following this girl around. She's a reality show waiting to happen! Check out her website & see what you think. :)

To both of you, I owe a sincere debt of gratitude. I'm voting Tickles Tapeworm for Prez of Blogistan & Blogfart for V.P.!

posted by jane at 12:25 AM


Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Wienermobile is back!

Did you know you can win 1 of 5 grand prizes from Kraft Foods? The prizes are being called the "Ride of a Life" as you get the Wienermobile for 1 day and $5,000.

I'm so excited! Not because I'm going to enter, but because I remember visiting the Wienermobile in the 1960s. I saw it at Esko's Market in Whittier, where I grew up. They handed out the coolest Wienermobile whistles in the world!
The Wienermobile is cruising Southern California freeways as I type this. No, this isn't Jane having her typical moment of grandeur, folks. Last weekend Tarzan saw it on the freeway. Caveboy saw it in another driveby! These are driveby's of a new nature, of a GOOD nature!
For contest rules just click here. But hurry because your entries have to be submitted by 7/28/05. Good luck!

C'mon and sing with me............
The Oscar Mayer Bologna Song

My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R
My bologna has a second name, it's M-A-Y-E-R
Oh, I love to eat it everyday,
And if you ask me why I'll say. . .
'Cuz Oscar Mayer has a way. . .
With B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

ps....couldn't resist.....did you know there is also a Hershey's Kiss Mobile?

posted by jane at 10:44 AM



I think I have blogophobia. Before I continue, let me say this, I also think I'm a hypochondriac. My mom agrees. But all of the before-mentioned illnesses: bipolar disorder, migraines, diabetes are documented & not just in my head. Well.....you know what I mean.
Back to the blogophobia & the little ditty I wrote yesterday about blogging, I do mindblog all the time. I just can't help it. You know how often the t.v. changes channels when a man has the remote? Well, my brain is like that! Every 60 seconds or so, its off to a new subject! Try to concentrate with that !
Anyways, blogophobia...which would make me a blogophobe(?)...if there wasn't such a thing before, now there is. As I was saying, I mindblog all the time, but when it comes to actually writing my blog, I get bloggers block. Kinda like a panic attack, but it's in the fingers. They just freeze up. (In case you're wondering how I wrote this, I don't remember)
I think I also have amnesia.

I've joined a webring. No, it's not a Blogger's Anonymous one. Really, it's not. Aside from joining this webring you're supposed to join these other little ones. I was going to join a bipolar ring. But they require your blog offer assistance, information, links, etc. about bipolar disorder. My blog isn't offering help or links for bipolar people. I'm just a bipolar woman that sometimes writes about it. To have to write about it is the equivalent of saying that because I have freckles, to be part of the 'freckles webring', I'd have to talk about my freckles all the time & give links to freckle's stuff.
I think it's evident I'm not ashamed of being bipolar, but part of my eating right, exercising, etc. is to focus on my health, not my disorder. Maybe I misunderstood.
Well, so I'm trying to find a webringy I can belong to but guess what? Uno problemo! My blog isn't really about anything. Sure, it's about me, Tarzan & Cheeta. They don't have an owners' of pot bellied pigs webring. :(
I literally have a blog about nothing. I kinda feel like Seinfeld. Remember how he said his show was about nothing? Just not rich. Not famous. Not lots of things Seinfeldish. Let me back up. The only thing I have in common with Seinfeld is the 'nothing' part.
Maybe the Blogger's Anonymous Webring was a premonition?

Hi, I'm Jane and I'm a Blogoholic.

posted by jane at 12:08 AM


Thursday, July 07, 2005

I blog. Do you?

I think I'm addicted to blogging
I blog most everywhere, you see,
In my head there's a blogathon
And in my dreams, The Queen of Blogs I be!

I blog about blogging
And then I blog some more
Then I think of writing how my blog is such a bore!
I've even invented blogercises!
(but they sure don't help my butt!)
Why it's Blogclicker to a count of thirty
And then its the same for Bloggidyzoo,

Soon I'll attend Bloggers Anonymous
Maybe they'll have it online,
Perhaps in a bloggers chat!
We could form a webring, with 30 day chips & all,
But another blog I'd have to hide
In case off the wagon I fall

(and have to blog about it) ;)

posted by jane at 10:56 PM



To my friends & neighbors in The United Kingdom,

My family & I would like to offer our heartfelt condolences regarding today's tragedies. Please know that our thoughts, prayers & support are with you. May you somehow be comforted during this difficult time. You aren't alone in your hurting, the heart of the world aches with you.

Most Sincerely,

Jane & family

posted by jane at 10:40 AM


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

C'mon Ladies!

Tonite I was watching The Situation with Tucker Carlson, he interviewed Rosa Brooks, Professor of Law. She obviously has it in for Judith Miller, the journalist who failed to give up her anonymous source & is off to jail for up to 4 months. Brooks smirked as she said she felt bad for Miller having to go to jail. In an article she wrote in the L.A. Times, Brooks wrote, "But I have another theory. Miller's no fool; she understood the lesson of the Martha Stewart case: When you find yourself covered with mud, there's nothing like a brief stint in a minimum-security prison to restore your old luster."
Huh? She wants to go to prison? Uh huh. I think that's what she's saying there. I guess Brooks thinks Miller plans on bursting out of prison with some poncho making business!
Why are women so hard on each other? What's the purpose? Perhaps it makes us feel better about ourselves.
Women hate Hillary. Women hate Martha Stewart. Why? Because they're both dirty blondes? Because Hillary stood by her man? I think it's because they're both serious successful women, thus they get called BITCH. And whose first in line to call them that? WOMEN!
Today I even saw a blog that had a blog button that said, "BLOGS AGAINST HILLARY" I mean, give me a break!
We outnumber men on this planet, yet it's men who are calling all the shots! This struck me when I kept hearing, "The eight most powerful MEN on earth are meeting at the G-8 Summit" Why doesn't this bother us?
Do you remember Survivor Vanuatu where there were like 6 women and just 1 man left? The guy's name was Chris & he was from Arkansas, long reddish hair. He was able to manipulate the situation & have every single woman turn against the other & guess who won a million bucks? Chris! And guess who should have been voted out in the very first episode for causing their team to lose? Chris!
That's something I like about the internet. If we don't like each other, we can just click the little X button at the top & GONE. I am not a woman's libber by any means. But I am a woman's supporter. If I want to only expose myself to 100% supportive female's, then I will. And I do!
It seems to me that we hold men in such high esteem and women in such low esteem. Is it just me or do others see the same problem?

posted by jane at 9:27 PM


Tuesday, July 05, 2005


This entry is dedicated to Heifer.org. The rest of the post is directly from resources provided by Heifer.org. Please take the time to read this.

Heifer's Mission to End Hunger

Heifer envisions…
A world of communities living together in peace and equitably sharing the resources of a healthy planet.

Heifer’s mission is…
To work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth.

Heifer's strategy is…
To “pass on the gift.” As people share their animals’ offspring with others – along with their knowledge, resources, and skills – an expanding network of hope, dignity, and self-reliance is created that reaches around the globe.

Heifer’s History
This simple idea of giving families a source of food rather than short-term relief caught on and has continued for almost 60 years. Today, millions of families in 128 countries have been given the gifts of self-reliance and hope.

Our History

A Four-Footed Attack Against Hunger

A Midwestern farmer named Dan West was ladling out rations of milk to hungry children during the Spanish Civil War when it hit him.

“These children don’t need a cup, they need a cow.”

West, who was serving as a Church of the Brethren relief worker, was forced to decide who would receive the limited rations and who wouldn’t – literally, who would live and who would die. This kind of aid, he knew, would never be enough.

So West returned home to form Heifers for Relief, dedicated to ending hunger permanently by providing families with livestock and training so that they “could be spared the indignity of depending on others to feed their children.”

In 1944, the first shipment of 17 heifers left York, Pennsylvania, for Puerto Rico, going to families whose malnourished children had never even tasted milk. Learn about the cowboys who brought cows and kids together.

Why heifers? These are young cows that haven’t yet given birth – making them perfect not only for supplying a continued source of milk, but also for supplying a continued source of support. That’s because each family receiving a heifer agrees to “pass on the gift” and donate the female offspring to another family, so that the gift of food is never-ending.

This simple idea of giving families a source of food rather than short-term relief caught on and has continued for almost 60 years. As a result, millions of families in 115 countries are experiencing better health, more income and the joy of helping others.
Please check out Heifer.org.

Please pass this on...


posted by jane at 10:29 PM


Dear President Bush

Dear President Bush,
I'm having a moment of grandeur so I've decided it's time to talk to you. I have 2 suggestions I'd like you to give some consideration. The first is regarding Social Security & the second is regarding recruitment for our military.

1) I'd like to propose that since you're choosing to turn a blind eye to the thousands of illegal aliens flooding our borders daily, we make a trade-off with them. In exchange for them living here illegally, receiving free medical care (which by the way your administration has offered to pay $1 billion (?) to cover (and why?), their children getting a free education & usually a free breakfast & lunch, they will pay into our social security system. However, when they turn of age to collect social security, they wont. Why not? Because they're illegal, that's why not! And because thats part of the trade-off!

2) Since we're outsourcing everything else, let's outsource for combat soldiers. Now I'm not talking about highly intelligence type of work where our National Security would be in jeopardy. I'm referring to the hand to hand type combat. You know, grunt work. Things we lazy Americans don't want our kids doing, but maybe someone else would do for $2,000 a month. If you won't bring our soldiers home now, why not offer the opportunity for others to carry the torch for a while?

As I see it President Bush, as us Baby Boomers retire & the American working population decreases, thanks partly to your administration, the illegal worker population increases. Problem solved! And my solution is so efficent its already in progress. I know my outsourcing proposal is unconventional, but I truly believe it's the 21st century solution your citizens want. I trust you will take both matters under serious consideration. By the way, you're welcome! :)

Sincerely Yours,

Jane Citizen

posted by jane at 1:12 AM


Sunday, July 03, 2005

my dreams, my fears

I have 2 dreams, I also have 2 fears; they're both, both. I'm going to go out on a limb here & put them in writing. They're both things that I really want to accomplish & as silly as the first may seem, its something that would make my heart happy. The second I believe is necessary to sustain my life.

My first dream that I want to accomplish is to make aprons. Not just plain aprons. But like web designers create websites, I want to create aprons. And in my minds eye I have the most beautiful & coolest aprons created. There are some roadblocks, fear being the biggest. Procrastination being the second biggest. The least is that I don't know how to sew.
I've already bought a sewing machine, but I have yet to buy a sewing table. I have a pattern. I've got lots of cool material, some I've gotten at thrift stores. And I have some great ideas from this apron book I bought.
I've seen so many people on Oprah who have just followed their dreams. And this is my dream. It doesn't matter that aprons aren't popular or if I didn't sell any. I'd make them for myself!
The last time I used a sewing machine was in 8th grade when I attempted to make an A-line skirt. I'm so bad at it, for my daughter's 5th grade play, I hot-glue gunned her costume.
Okay, so that is 1 dream & I suppose maybe you can see where the fear comes from. I'm nervous just writing about it.

My second is a dire need, and a bigger fear. I have to make drastic LIFE changes as in, I have to start LIVING. I want to get my mind back. It feels too foggy & I've minimized some of my medicines, but I need to get serious about my diabetes, bipolar disorder & migraine headaches.
I quit heroin in 1986. I quit smoking in 1993. Now its as though things are aligning for me to start exercising, eating right & taking back my brain. In all honesty, this scares the shit out of me.
1 thing that scares me is that people who read this may ask me in the future about it & if I'm not doing good, I'll avoid my blog, quit writing, you get the picture.
I know that I can get off of insulin & my diabetes medicine if I took care of my body. I can also help myself get less migraines by the same means.
Of course I'd do all of this under a doctors care. But I'm almost a shut-in without a physical reason for being one. Thats pathetic.
Anyways, there you have it. I wrote it. My dreams, my fears, my dreams. Hopefully, my truths.

posted by jane at 9:59 PM


Saturday, July 02, 2005


I went shopping for a pair of shorts today at a popular French department store. So yeah, I know I said I"m shopping for shorts but.......
Anyways, I'm looking at tops in the Women's Deptartment (fat sizes) and there in the midst of all the orange & purple polka dot prints with circus clown necklines I spot the most adorable top!!! I GRAB it before anyone else sees this beauty, and as I take it off the rack, I notice something peculiar, but okay. Before I place it in the cart (hey, I'm at Target!) I look & its a size 6. BITCH! Where is she??? She's hit again!
If you're fat, you know exactly who I'm talking about!!!
It's that skinny brat who always has to ruin our day! It's not enough that she gets 90% of the clothes & 99.9999% of the style, noooooo she has to watch from afar as our eyes light up & we smile our first smile of the day, then she glares as we become embarrassed,which quickly causes our face to turn beet red, which quickly turns into beet red anger, at which time I turn around to see some skinny-minnie running out of the store. (guess whose problem in English class was run-on sentences?) It's always HER & she's always wearing the best clothes, shoes, purse, haircut, you name it. At least thats how it looks from behind as she's dashing out the door.
I bet she has no boobs! THATS IT! Skinny little frumpy wench! I'll show her! One day I'm gonna take all the fat clothes, spandex shorts INCLUDED and put them in the junior section, thats what I'll do! And I'll go to cute little stores like Forever 21 and Wet Seal, Tillys, Macys, you name it! This top heavy broad is making the rounds baby! Or maybe I'll go to Fredericks Of Hollywood & Victoria's Secret & in the midst of all those 32A's I'll stick some 36DD's just to make her CRYYYYYYYY. Then I'll watch from afar as her eyes fill with tears & her lips pucker up and then I'll hobble right out of that store!
And just let one size 6 chickadee make a cross look at me, why I'll....I'll....I'll....go to the fat men's department & sneak their clothes in too!!

In case you dont know where the fat clothes are, they're shoved in the back of the store between the maternity department & the WALL. Thats another fun adventure, ACCIDENTALLY wandering into the maternity department (with their cute labels, who woulda known?) and then some little kid looks up and says, "Look Mommy, she's having a baby too." BRAT!

Dont get me wrong, I'm not complaining about being fat. After all, as the sign says, we're harder to kidnap!
And this isn't an anti-thin people bash, my beautiful perfect daughter which I love with all my heart is a size 1 (or 3 at times).
It's just an anti-girl-that-puts-the-pretty-size-6-blouse-in-the-fat-ladies-section!!!

posted by jane at 3:37 PM


Friday, July 01, 2005


you're too pretty to be so smart, aren't you? (men, insert the word "handsome" for pretty, unless you like pretty. thats okay too)

UPDATE 7/3/5: LISA WON!!! Oh yes sirree Bob she did indeed!! Even though she didnt guess 100% correctly, since she was the only one who did guess (ahem) she is the 100% winner! The correct answer was:
Jane, I think you're going to Cavegirl's for a slumber party. (but we had to postpone it.)

Update: The trip has been cancelled but for the sake of ALL the enthuiastic entrants, I will NOT ruin your fun & let you continue guessing the answer until tomorrow. So, if 3 people guess wrong, those 3 people STILL win! If Lisa is the first person to guess 3 times, Lisa is thrice a Victor and shall from here on in be named VICTORIA! Plus, she'd get ALL the prizes! (Imagine!) So, to repeat, while my trip has been cancelled, yours hasn't! What are you waiting for???

Original Post: I'll be gone from this Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon & I'd like to have some fun. (here. on this blog.) So, I will give you a few hints of where I'm NOT going & hopefully more than 3 people will guess cuz I have 3 prizes, haha. If 3 people guess, all are winners! If only 1 person guesses 3 times, well then that person is thrice a victor! WOW! Who woulda thought?? Something to tell the grandkids!
Okay, here are 4 UNclues:

1) It is not DIRECTLY tied to 4th of July festivities.

2) I am going but Tarzan & Cheeta are not.

3) It doesn't cost a penny.

4) I will dearly miss Tarzan overnite, but it's a must.

And what will the prizes be? Well, just to be fair.... cuz I hate trying for a contest & winning it & then the prize sucks. So, I have 3(three) 5-day passes to Pogo.com of which I am an admitted addict (no needle necessary for this one! AND it's legal!) but its a blast & you can play games 24/7.
You can check it out @ pogo.com and also @ pogomania.com and now they have these lil mini-me's you can even use your tokens for & buy them clothes & shoes & well, I've almost spent all my tokens in 2 days on that.
Oh i just love contests, dont you? You can enter oh, lets say up to 10 times.
Your answer should be in the form of (another hidden clue):

Jane, I think you're going to __________ for a _________ ________.

If you do win, I'd have to email it to a valid email addy. I dont care if its your mom, boyfriend, cyclops, etc.

(did i just sound italian?)

jane the insane

posted by jane at 11:01 PM



what a godsend

Does anybody remember on June 20th when I posted, "Any Suggestions?" Many of you kindly replied. Carrie of "http://www.Blogofcarrie.Blogspot.com/" really thought about it & offers quite a solution for solving this problem.
As amazed as I am with her solution is the fact that she took the time to help a stranger. But its not just Carrie, its also the entire "Blog Community". I have only met people who are caring & seem very sincere, wanting the best for each other & our planet. What a wonderful future we're in for! And Gabbi, this includes you too!

Okay it's past my bedtime, I've bought 2 new books today & I have to get up early, but I MUST read some of each. Please visit Carrie's site. Thank you, Carrie.
sweet dreams all

posted by jane at 12:09 AM